Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan
Founded in 1840, the Huay Kuan’s main objectives are to promote education, provide social welfare and preserve and promote Chinese language and culture. From its founding leaders: Tan Tock Seng, Tan Kim Ching, Tan Kah Kee, Tan Boo Liat, Tan Lark Sye, Wee Cho Yaw to the present President, Chua Thian Poh, the Huay Kuan has steadfastly held on to its beliefs and continues to contribute towards the community and nation building.
In the 19th century, trade winds fanned the flames of diaspora from China’s Fujian province to many parts of South East Asia. One of these promising lands is the free trade heartland of Singapore. Many of these early settlers arrived in this foreign land alone and thus brought about the rise of clan associations. The Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan was no different. It provided critical assistance in securing accommodations, jobs and burial services for the early immigrants.
While adopting many customs of the foreign land, these new xinke (新客) also brought with them their native traditions and cultures. This heritage legacy is something which we should all be proud of.
Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan set up its first school in 1849. Over the years, it built Chongwen Ge, Chui Eng Free School, Tao Nan School, Ai Tong School, Chong Hock Girls’ School, Nan Chiau High School and Kong Hwa School.
Initially, these schools adopted prevailing China’s curriculum and taught Chinese culture and values, including Analects of Confucius (Lun Yu 《论语》), in Hokkien. To meet the pace of societal changes, these soon gave way to offering English Language and Mathematics in addition to the Chinese Language.
Today, the six affiliated schools: Tao Nan School, Ai Tong School, Chongfu School, Nan Chiau High School, Nan Chiau Primary School and Kong Hwa School have a combined enrolment of 11,000 students and 700 staff.
1839年,闽人在先驱陈笃生、薛佛记等人的领导下,在草莽和港口之间的直落亚逸街兴建奉祀天后和观音的天福宫, 闽帮领导中心于1840年天福宫建成后迁移到该庙。1860年成立初期的福建会馆,附设于天福宫内。先驱的领导有陈笃生、陈金钟和陈武烈等。1915福建会馆获华民政务司署批准为豁免注册的社团,当时称为“天福宫福建会馆”。1929年陈嘉庚当选为福建会馆总理,他集中全力改组福建会馆,扩大组织,将会馆组织由董事制改成委员制,全面的照顾闽人的福利,特别是在教育方面。
二战后,会馆为了鼓励子女接受教育,于1947年复办前南侨师范为南侨女中附设小学部。1937年会馆注册为非盈利有限公司, 定名为“新加坡福建会馆”。
1949年陈六使接任福建会馆第十届主席,直至1972年7月辞职为止, 前后共22年。1954年陈六使与李光前带头各捐献20万元,在天福宫对面戏台地段建福建会馆大厦。1955年福建会馆大厦落成,除了供会馆使用外,亦作为爱同和崇福两校的教学场所。鉴于民间儿童失学情况严重,由当时的主席陈六使大力发动,加上常务委员李光前在经济上的鼎力支持, 会馆于1953年5月又创立了光华学校。
1953年1月16日在福建会馆执监联席会议上,陈六使建议捐献云南园土地500英亩, 以创办南洋大学。经过三年的积极筹办,南洋大学于1956年3月开学。