Brandishing sabres, twirling swords, swirling motion! This is Wushu. The team (derived from "wu (武)" - military and "shu (术)" - art) means the art of fighting or martial arts. Speed, difficulty and presentation distinguish Wushu's fluid moves, martial arts patterns and manoeuvres (kicks, punches and jumps), building resilience and perseverance during training.
Our Wushu members benefit in fitness, confidence and skills from their training with different weapons and various barehand techniques. Each has at least one specialization.
Wushu is an ideal CCA for students who are active physically and socially and want to know more about Chinese Martial Arts. Members are trained in these events – Quan, Sword, Sabre, Cudgel, Spear etc.
Day and Time |
Teachers- in-Charge |
Venue |
Recreation team:
P4 and P5
School team:
*Mr Wayne Lee
Void Deck |
(C) denotes Competitive Team
(R) denotes Recreational Team
* Teacher-in-Charge